Acknowledgments; Introduction: Why We Need to Think Systemically in Educational Policy and Reform; Section 1. School Districts as Leverage Points for Systems Change; 1 Learning From the Past to Chart New Directions in the Study of School District Effectiveness; 2 Expanding School Indicator Systems in a Post-NCLB Era; Section 2. Systems Learning at the School and Classroom Levels; 3 Formative Experimentation: The Role of Experimental Research in Program Development; 4 A Research-Practice Partnership to Improve Formative Classroom Assessment in Science
Section 3. How Politics, Underlying Theories, and Leadership Capacity Support System-Wide Change5 Portfolio Reform in Los Angeles: Successes and Challenges in School District Implementation; 6 Common Core, Uncommon Theory of Action: CEOs in New York City Schools; 7 How Leadership Churn Undermines Learning and Improvement in Low-Performing School Districts; Section 4. Systemic Lessons for Policy and Practice: Improving School Districts Under Pressure; 8 Commentary: Three Organizational Lessons for School District Improvement; 9 Commentary: Toward Systemic Reform in Urban School Districts
Conclusions: The Challenge of School and District Improvement: Promising Directions in District ReformIndex; Conference Participants; About the Contributors
Includes bibliographical references and index
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