acuerdo de liquidación

United States

24 years of experience in many countries

Native in: Spanish

Works in: English to Spanish, Spanish to English, English to French, and 6 more.

Questions asked: 2028 (2 open) (1 without valid answers) (7 closed without grading) Answers provided: 0


English to Spanish Law/Patents Law (general)

What will be the best way to translate this phrase from American English into European Spanish?

It is the translation of a legal document.

Here is the full phrase:


Section I. The Parties

This Settlement Agreement and Release ("Settlement Agreement"), effective as of the date it is fully executed, is entered into by, between and among Popular Brokerage Corp.

Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 acuerdo de liquidación margaret caulfield
4 +2 convenio o acuerdo de conciliación y liquidación Silvia Brandon-Pérez
5 acuerdo de billetaje y liquidación Constantinos Faridis (X)
4 +1 Acuerdo/Convenio/Contrato de liquidación Margarita Ezquerra (Smart Translators, S.L.)
4 Acuerdo de transacción y liberación patinba
"finiquito" MikeGarcia
Question updated Apr 23, 2009 08:14 Change log

Apr 23, 2009 08:14 : margaret caulfield Created KOG entry

Propose a translation

Proposed translations

margaret caulfield Native in English & Spanish Freelancer | 12:40

Accurate, natural and very hard-working

Native in: English , Spanish

Works in: Spanish to English, English to Spanish, French to English, and 3 more.

Related KudoZ points : 96

acuerdo de liquidación

Something went wrong.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.

Related KudoZ points : 16

acuerdo de billetaje y liquidación

ticketing and settlement agreement

ES acuerdo de billetaje y liquidación

Something went wrong.

Margarita Ezquerra (Smart Translators, S.L.) Native in Spanish Specializes in field Freelancer and outsourcer | 12:40


Accredited translators 20 yrs experience

Native in: Spanish

Works in: English to Spanish, Spanish to English, French to Spanish

Related KudoZ points : 1601

Acuerdo/Convenio/Contrato de liquidación

Note from asker:
One of the translators has suggested:
Acuerdo de Finiquito" Is this suggestion wrong?
Peer comment(s):
Something went wrong.

patinba Native in English Specializes in field Freelancer | 07:40



Native in: English

Works in: Spanish to English, English to Spanish

Related KudoZ points : 719

Acuerdo de transacción y liberación

This is a legal term for settlement. Liquidación is amore general term and implies a payment is involved, but settlements can be reached in many other ways.