Xcode Command Line Tools Installation FAQ

How to install, update, and uninstall Xcode command line tools on macOS

How to Install Xcode Command Line Tools

macOS is bundled with xcode-select . By using this command, you can download and install the latest Xcode command-line tools. What you need is to enter the following command.

Xcode command line tools install confirmation

A standard License Agreement will appear. If you want to, you can read them all. Click Agree to continue the installation process.

Xcode command line <a href=tools license agreement" />

A pop-up window will appear informing you of the download progress. This time you do nothing. Wait until the download process finished. This can take a long time, it depends on your internet speed.

Downloading Xcode command line tools

After the downloading finished, the final pop up window will appear. This is to inform you that the Xcode command-line tools were installed on your machine successfully.

Xcode command line tools was installed successfully

How to Uninstall Xcode Command Line Tools

In the case in the future you don’t need it again and want to free some space, you can uninstall it.

Unfortunately, there is no xcode-select --uninstall command. So, you have to do it manually. Just type the following command to the terminal.

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Junian Triajianto

I am not Groot.