Data Scientist Bootcamp

Typically, the Lending Club (a Peer to Peer lending marketplace) contains hundreds of loan projects, which makes it difficult for investors to choose a profitable one. In our FinTech project, we will use the data science knowledge we’ve learned in the courses to design a product as an intelligent investment advisor, helping investors identify the values of different projects in Lending Club, to determine the optimal projects to invest in. When the new loan project comes into the platform, our product would automatically analyze the project’s parameters and screen out the best investment projects. We will also design a simple web page to realize the interaction between our product and users. In this project, what you will do:

Steam Game Recommendation System Project

The implementation of Recommendation System is very popular in recent years, specifically, it has been widely used in game platforms. In our game recommendation system project, based on the Steam Platform, we will analyze the user’s game playing history and design a recommendation system according to the popularity of the games. Our users will also filter the results by selecting the categories of interest to further refine the recommendation results. Our students will experience a series of complete high-level product development processes including product definition, data crawling, data import, data analysis, recommendation system platform design, effective evaluation and so on.