The Highland Planning Division assists residents, businesses, and land developers with various land use requests, big and small. We are often the first stop for any project. Here are a few examples of items we can help with:
- Residential – building a new tract of homes, a single home, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), room addition, fence, pool, personal RV or boat parking permit. We manage subdivision activity such as a Lot Line Adjustment or Parcel Merger.
- Commercial/Industrial/Institutional - opening a new business in an existing location, constructing a new business, hanging a temporary banner (i.e. “Opening Soon”), replacing landscaping at a shopping center, ABC license, commercial filming permit, or special event permit (i.e. Christmas tree lot)
Before you Apply
Let us help you determine the correct application and process for your project. You can call, email, or come in person and tell us the details. From there we can direct you to an application on our website or e-mail the pertinent details. Find us here:
- Phone Number - (909) 864-6861
- E-mail -
- Address: Highland City Hall, 27215 Base Line, Highland, CA 92346
Once you have spoken with us, you may utilize the Applications provided below.
Apply Online
The City is pleased to offer an online portal for its most frequently used Planning Applications.
- (ADU) Accessory Dwelling Unit
- (CUP) Conditional Use Permit
- (DRA) Design Review
- (ASR) Sign Review
- (SEP) Special Event Permit
- (SRP) Staff Review Permit
- (TUP) Banner Permit
- (TPM) Tentative Parcel Map
- (TTM) Tentative Tract map
- (VAR) Variance
Download & Apply
All other applications can be downloaded and submitted in person or by mail:
- (ABC) Alcohol Beverage Control License (PDF)
- Appeal Application (PDF)
- Certificate of Compliance Application (PDF)
- Christmas Tree Sales Lot Application (PDF)
- Development Agreement Application (PDF)
- Development Code Amendment Application (PDF)
- Environmental Consultants List (PDF)
- Environmental Questionnaire
- Extension of Time (PDF)
- Film Permit Application (PDF)
- General Plan Amendment Application (PDF)
- Lot Line Adjustment Application (PDF)
- Revisions to Conditions Application (PDF)
- Specific Plan Application (PDF)
- Street Banner Permit Application (PDF)
- Temporary RV Parking Permit Application (PDF)
- Trailer (Security and Construction Office Permit (PDF)
- Tree Removal Permit (PDF)
- Variance Application (PDF)
- Zone Change Application (PDF)