Free Microsoft Word Cost Benefit Analysis Templates With a How-To Guide

We’ve assembled the most useful Microsoft Word cost benefit analysis templates to help you compare your project’s financial risks and rewards. A detailed cost analysis examines options and provides evidence to support the most profitable outcome.

Microsoft Word Cost Benefit Analysis Template

Cost Benefit Analysis Template Microsoft Word

Use this cost benefit analysis template to help you choose the most cost-effective option for your proposed project. List the benefits and costs of your proposal, along with some alternatives, and rank their impacts (high, medium, or low). Then rank the proposed action based on the monetary difference between the costs and benefits. Once complete, this template illustrates the best return on your investment (ROI) based on the comparisons it reveals.

Microsoft Word Sample Cost Benefit Analysis Template

Sample Cost Benefit Analysis Template Microsoft Word

Use this cost benefit analysis template with or without sample data to compare your project’s risks and rewards or illustrate the reason your project is financially beneficial. Enter the capital costs, recurring expenses, and one-time purchases. Add the benefits to show the savings and compare the totals. The template is customizable, so you can enter line items and numerical values specific to your project.

Microsoft Word Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet

Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet Template Microsoft Word

This cost benefit analysis spreadsheet will help you decide if your proposed project is a sound investment. Enter the project’s recurring and non-recurring costs. The template will calculate the total costs per year. The analysis summary on the second page provides a snapshot of the costs and benefits over a three-year timeline. Distribute this spreadsheet with shareholders so they understand the financial impact and benefits of the project.

If you’re looking for a way to present your findings to stakeholders, try using one of these cost benefit analysis templates for PowerPoint.

Microsoft Word Simple Cost Benefit Analysis Template

Simple Cost Benefit Analysis Template Microsoft Word

Use this simple cost benefit analysis template as a decision-making tool for any project. Complete each line item for the costs and benefits of your proposed project. Then compare the totals to determine if the benefits outweigh the costs. Customize the line items to guarantee you capture every value associated with your project.

For additional formats, check out these free cost benefit analysis templates.

How to Create a Cost Benefit Analysis in Microsoft Word

Download a Microsoft Word cost benefit analysis template. Enter relevant details, such as non-recurring costs, recurring costs, revenues, and more. Including information for the three years will provide an overview of spending.

Use the following step-by-step guide to download, open, and complete the cost benefit analysis spreadsheet template:

  1. Download the Microsoft Word cost benefit analysis spreadsheet.
  2. Open the downloaded template file.
  3. Enter the Company Name, Date Conducted, Completed By, and Proposed Product / Initiative / Service.

cost benefit analysis basic info

  1. Enter the Non-Recurring Costs for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 for each category. Insert the total for each column in the Total Non-Recurring Costs cells.

cost benefit analysis quantitative analysis nonrecurring costs

  1. Enter the Recurring Costs for each category in the Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 columns. Insert the total for each column in the Total Recurring Costs cells.

cost benefit analysis quantitative analysis nonrecurring costs

  1. Add the Total Recurring Costs and Non-Recurring Costs for each column, and enter the total in the respective Total Costs cells for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

cost benefit analysis totals

  1. Enter the Revenues for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 in the corresponding field. Then total the columns and enter it in the respective Total Revenue cells for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

cost benefit analysis revenues

  1. Enter the Cost Savings for each category for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3. Then total the columns and enter the number in the respective Total Cost Savings cells for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

cost benefit analysis cost savings

  1. Enter the Cost Avoidance and Other Benefits for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

cost benefit analysis cost avoidance

  1. Add the total Cost Savings, Cost Avoidance, and Other Benefits for each column and enter the total in the respective Total Benefits cells for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

cost benefit analysis total benefits

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